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FTD MercuryMercury DirectMercury CloudTip CenterFlorist TrainingFTDMercuryFeedback
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25-APR-2016 09:00 AM CST: FTD Mercury X7 updates the mobile app to give you the ability to capture signatures and capture photos.
10-AUG-2015 11:00 AM CST: FTD Mercury X6 adds support for MapPoint Replacement within Mercury Delivery. The X6 MapPoint Replacement retains the core functionality of the now-retired Microsoft MapPoint product, and introduces key new functionality related to pushpins.
13-JUL-2015 11:00 AM CST: Mercury Direct Plus has been released, which includes all the great features of Mercury Direct with the addition of enhanced options for enclosure cards, updates to the main menu and control panel, and enhancements to abbreviation codes.
1-OCT-2014 8:00 AM CST: FTD Mercury X5 Fall with the FTD Mercury Retail ToGo Mobile App has been released, with support for FTD Mercury Retail ToGo Transactions and the ability to view reports! Check out the new and enhanced features.
14-JUL-2014 9:00 AM CST: FTD Mercury X5 has been released and includes support for EAPI configuration and data replication! Check out the new and enhanced features.


FTD MercuryMercury CloudMercury Cloud
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FTD Florist Link Administration: Maintain Holiday Capacity Page
alt=Mercury Technology Tip of the Day
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