Mercury Administration: Remote Delivery Screen

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  • As of FTD Mercury X3, FTD no longer supports Wireless Delivery Confirmation.
  • Both FTD Mercury Mobile (X3) and FTD Mercury Mobile Plus (X4) allow drivers to use their mobile Android and iPhone devices to mark orders as Delivered. See Confirming Orders for details.

The Remote Delivery option is used to set up the Wireless Delivery Confirmation module. It contains the following settings:

Setting Description
User ID Enter your user ID for Wireless Delivery Confirmation. This is provided to you by the Mercury Technology Assistance Center.
Company ID Enter your company ID for Wireless Delivery Confirmation. This is provided to you by the Mercury Technology Assistance Center.
Account Password Enter your password for Wireless Delivery Confirmation. This is provided to you by the Mercury Technology Assistance Center.
Confirm Password Enter your password again to confirm it.
Host Address The address for the Gearworks wireless delivery Web site. This is provided to you by the Mercury Technology Assistance Center.
Host Port Enter the host port for Wireless Delivery Confirmation. This is provided to you by the Mercury Technology Assistance Center.
Polling Interval Specify the period of time in minutes in which your system will check for wireless delivery orders and download them to your phone.
Save GPS data for (days) Enter the number of days to save GPS data.

Accessing the Remote Delivery Screen

To access the Remote Delivery screen in Mercury Administration:

  1. Launch Mercury Administration.
  2. Double-click Mercury Administration in the explorer pane.
  3. Double-click the Communications folder.
  4. Double-click Remote Delivery. The Remote Delivery screen opens.
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