Mercury Administration: MailServer Screen

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If you send delivery confirmations or statements via email, you must set up your outgoing mail server using the Mail Server option in Mercury Administration. If you use FTD’s mail server, this section teaches you how to set up your system to connect to the mail server. If you do not use FTD’s mail server, you have to contact your ISP for the information that is required on this screen.

If you use the Web Order Interface, you must also complete the incoming mail server section of the screen. The Web Order Interface is a feature that allows you to retrieve orders from your store’s Web site via email and convert them to incoming orders in FTD Mercury. Therefore if you purchased the Web Order Interface, it is required to enter your incoming mail server information in this screen so that those orders can be retrieved. Your incoming mail server is the server that your ISP (Internet Service Provider) uses to manage your email account. If you have multiple email accounts to where Web site orders are sent, you can set up multiple incoming mail server accounts.

Outgoing Mail Server Setup Information

It is necessary to set up your outgoing mail server information so that you can send outgoing email messages from FTD Mercury, for example delivery confirmations, statements, and invoices. This information must also be configured if you use the Web Order Interface.

Setting Description
Server Name
  • If you are using FTD’s mail server, this field should display
  • If you are NOT using FTD’s mail server, this is the name of your ISP’s email server for OUTGOING email messages. (Your ISP’s technical support department should provide you with this information. Ask the technical support department “What is the name of the Email server for OUTGOING email messages?”).
Server Port
  • If you are using FTD’s mail server, this field should display 587.
  • If you are NOT using FTD’s mail server, this is your ISP’s mail server port number. (Your ISP’s technical support department should provide you with this information. Ask the technical support department “What is the Mail Server Port Number?”)
Authentication Required This option should be checked if your outgoing mail server requires authentication. Some ISPs require authentication to connect to the mail server.
  • If you are using FTD’s mail server, this option should be checked.
  • If you are NOT using FTD’s mail server, your ISP’s technical support department can tell you whether the outgoing mail server requires authentication. Ask the technical support department “Does the outgoing mail server require authentication? If so, what is the account name and password?”
Account Name This field becomes active only if Authentication Required is checked.
  • If you are using FTD’s mail server, type your shop code (with the suffix) fol lowed by (for example, The entry in this field in case sensitive, so if you are using FTD’s mail server, make sure that the suffix of your shop code is in CAPITAL letters.
  • If you are NOT using FTD’s mail server, type the ISP’s authentication login name in this field (obtain this information from the technical support department of your ISP).
Account Password This field becomes active only if Authentication Required is checked.
  • If you are using FTD’s mail server, type cat7tell in this field (all lowercase letters).
  • If you are NOT using FTD’s mail server, type the ISP’s authentication password in this field (obtain this information from the technical support department of your ISP).

Incoming Mail Server Setup Information

If you use the Web Order Interface, it is necessary to set up your incoming mail server information so that FTD Mercury can retrieve your Web site’s orders from your email account. To obtain the information required in this section, you have to call your Internet service provider’s technical support department. If you have multiple email accounts to where your Web site orders are sent, set up the information using a new row in the table for each account.

You can configure the following settings on this screen:

Setting Description
Server Type your ISP’s incoming mail server name. The format is usually three series of numbers or letters separated by periods.
Store Select the name of the store that uses this email account to receive Web site orders. To select a store, click inside of the cell so that a down arrow appears, then click the arrow and select the store name.
Protocol Type whether your ISP uses a POP3 or IMAP server protocol.
Port Type your ISP’s outgoing mail server port number.
Account Type the email account from where you will be retrieving the Web site orders (for example, if your email address is, you would type mystore).
Password Type the password that you use to access the email account. This password is case sensitive.
Subject Type the email subject line that you use for the orders that are sent from your Web site to this email address. FTD Mercury only creates orders from email messages with this subject line. Therefore it is important that you type the subject line exactly as it appears in the order email messages.
Encryption If the order email is encrypted (your Web site encrypts the email message when it is sent to your email account), select the encryption method that your Web site designer uses (to select an encryption type, click inside of the cell so that a down arrow appears, then click the arrow to select an encryption method). If your Web site does not use encryption, leave the default value to None.
Encrypt P/W If you selected an encryption method in the Encryption column, type the encryption password that your Web site designer selected for your Web site. If you selected None in the Encryption column, leave this field blank.
Referral Code Select the referral code that you want to use for your Web orders. If you have not already created a referral code for Web orders, it is highly recommended that you create one so that you can track sales generated by your Web site.
Send Errors To If there are errors with an order, FTD Mercury email messages you the order indicating that there was an error. Type the email address where you want to receive these orders.
Polling Interval The Polling Interval field displays how often your system connects to the Internet to receive orders from the email account. By default, your system checks for orders every 20 minutes.

To save changes on this screen, click Apply. Clicking Undo reverts the settings on this screen back to when they were last saved.

Accessing the MailServer Screen

To access the Email screen in Mercury Administration:

  1. Launch Mercury Administration.
  2. Double-click Mercury Administration in the explorer pane.
  3. Double-click the Communications folder.
  4. Double-click MailServer. The MailServer screen opens.
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