Logging out of FTD Florist Link Administration

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This information applies to FTD Mercury X2 Fall and later versions, Mercury Connect, and Mercury Direct 5.0 and later versions. If you are an FTD Mercury or Mercury Direct customer and not on one of the versions where FTD Florist Link is included, contact the Mercury Technology Assistance Center (MTAC) at 1-800-309-2244 for information on how to upgrade to the current version.

To log out of FTD Florist Directory Administration:

  1. Click the Logout link at the upper right corner of the FTD Florist Directory Administration page.
  2. When the About FTD Florist Link page is displayed, click the close button at the upper right corner of the window to close FTD Florist Directory Administration.

When FTD Florist Directory Administration is closed, you are returned to FTD Florist Link.

Back to FTD Florist Link Administration

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