Florists Online and Flowers All Hours Product Codes

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FTD Mercury automatically updates products, fees, and taxes associated with FTD Mercury, Florists Online (FOL), Flowers All Hours (FAH), and Web Order Interface (WOI) orders before automatically processing the orders.

When orders are processed for Florists Online (FOL) and Flowers All Hours (FAH), you need to ensure product codes for delivery fees and other charges are set up the same way in FTD Mercury as FOL and FAH. For example, you may tax the delivery fee on your FOL site; to ensure the order is processed correctly, the delivery fee should be taxed in FTD Mercury as well.


When orders are received from FOL, FAH, or WOI, the delivery charge and service charges are used on the order instead of fees associated with the delivery zone.

There are several product codes in FTD Mercury associated with Automatic Order Processing and FOL/FAH orders. They are:

Product Code Name Type
SYS_ADD_ON Add On Product Amount
SYS_DELIVERY Delivery Delivery Charge
SYS_DISCOUNT Discount Coupon
SYS_PRODUCT Product Product Amount
SYS_RELAY Relay Relay Charge
SYS_RETRANS Retrans Relay Charge
SYS_SERVICE Service Service Charge

You should ensure these products are configured correctly for taxes and amounts so FAH and FOL orders are correct when processed using FTD Mercury.

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