Viewing Order Information in FTD Mercury Mobile

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You can view several different types of orders from within the Dashboard screen in FTD Mercury Mobile:

  • Pickup Orders
  • C.O.D. Orders
  • Undelivered Orders
  • Filed Orders
  • Incomplete Transactions

Additionally, you can view orders that have incomplete or unauthorized credit cards.

Viewing Orders for Pickup

To view orders for pickup:

  1. Launch FTD Mercury Mobile.
  2. If the Dashboard screen is not visible, tap the Dashboard button.
  3. Tap the Pickup Orders button.
  4. To view order details, tap the order.

Viewing C.O.D. Orders

To view C.O.D. orders:

  1. Launch FTD Mercury Mobile.
  2. If the Dashboard screen is not visible, tap the Dashboard button.
  3. Tap the C.O.D. Orders button.
  4. To view order details, tap the order.

Viewing Undelivered Orders

To view undelivered orders:

  1. Launch FTD Mercury Mobile.
  2. If the Dashboard screen is not visible, tap the Dashboard button.
  3. Tap the Undelivered Orders button.
  4. To view order details, tap the order.

You can also confirm orders from this screen.

Viewing Filed Orders

To view filed orders:

  1. Launch FTD Mercury Mobile.
  2. If the Dashboard screen is not visible, tap the Dashboard button.
  3. Tap the Filed Orders button.
  4. To view order details, tap the order.

Viewing Incomplete Transactions

To view incomplete transactions:

  1. Launch FTD Mercury Mobile.
  2. If the Dashboard screen is not visible, tap the Dashboard button.
  3. Tap the Incomplete Transactions button.
  4. To view order details, tap the order.

Viewing Orders with Declined Credit Cards

To view orders with declined credit cards:

  1. Launch FTD Mercury Mobile.
  2. If the Dashboard screen is not visible, tap the Dashboard button.
  3. Tap the Declined Credit Cards button.
  4. To view order details, tap the order.

Viewing Orders with Unauthorized Credit Cards

To view orders with unauthorized credit cards:

  1. Launch FTD Mercury Mobile.
  2. If the Dashboard screen is not visible, tap the Dashboard button.
  3. Tap the Unauthorized Credit Cards button.
  4. To view order details, tap the order.

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