Report Center: Product Sales Report

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This information applies only to Mercury Connect.


The Product Sales Report provides you with an analysis of which products are selling and how many are being sold either in-house, outgoing, or both. There are three different types of sales analysis reports: Product List, Sales by Product Code, and Sales by Date, Occasion, and Product. Each type has a summary report and a a detail report.


It is possible for the same product to be listed more than once on the Sales by Product Code and Sales by Date, Occasion, and Product reports if that product was sold under different occasion types.

Generating Product Sales Reports

To generate a Product Sales Report:

  1. On the FTD Mercury Main Menu, click Business Reports.
  2. On the Report Center window, hover over the Product button, and select Product Sales. The Product Sales Report screen opens.
  3. From the Select Store list, select the store for the report.
  4. In the Product Report area, select which you report you want to generate.
  5. In the Report Type area, select whether you want to generate a detail or summary report.
  6. If you select Sales by Date, Occasion and Product, in the Date Range area, select whether you want to generate the report by delivery or sale date, and then specify the start and end date for the report.
  7. In the Sale Type area, select whether you want to include inventory sales, wire out sales, or both.
  8. In the Product Categories area, select the categories you want to include in the report. If you want to include all of you categories, select All Categories from the top of the list.
  9. Click Generate.

Product Sales Report Screen

The Product Sales Report screen allows you to configure settings for the Product Sales report. When you have finished configuring settings, click Generate to generate the report.

The Product Sales Report screen contains the following settings:

Setting Description
Select Store From this list, select the store for which you want to generate the report.
Product Report Select whether you want to generate a Product List report, a Sales by Product Code report, or Sales by Date, Occasion, and Product report.
Report Type Select whether you want to generate a detail report or a summary report.
Date Range If you selected Sales by Product Code or Sales by Date, Occasion and Product, you need to specify the date types you want to include in the report. You can select one of the following:
  • Delivery Date—when this is selected, orders completed with a delivery date within the date range selected for the report will be included.
  • Sale Date—when this is selected, orders completed within the date range selected for the report will be included.
Start Date Enter the start date for this report.
End Date Enter the end date for this report.
Sale Type Select whether you want to include inventory, wire out, or both sale types in your report.
Product Categories Select whether you to include all product categories in the report or select product categories from the list to include.

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