Receiving Payments on House Accounts
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When you receive payments on a customer’s house accounts, you need to enter them in FTD Mercury. As payments are entered into the system, the customer’s balance is updated immediately (as long as the payment is not entered for a future date). When open item account customers make a payment, you must apply the payment to a particular ticket. Balance forward accounts automatically apply payments to the oldest invoice.
When a customer walks in with payment, you typically want to record the payment in the Point of Sale window. For all other cases, use the Receive Payment button from the FTD Mercury Main Menu.
Receiving Payments in Point of Sale
There are three main scenarios when receiving payments in Point of Sale, differentiated by payment type.
Cash Payments
To receive a house account payment in cash in Point of Sale:
- On the FTD Mercury Main Menu, click Point of Sale. The Point of Sale window opens.
- Click Receive Payment. Depending on the configuration in Mercury Administration, the Audit Trail window may open. If it does, enter your employee name, password, and optionally any notes about the payment.
- When the Receive Customer Payment on Account window opens, from the Employee field, select your employee name. You can also use a bar code scanner to scan an employee’s bar code ID.
- In the Customer field, enter the customer’s name and press TAB, or click the Search button (…) to perform a Customer Search. If you are working for a customer statement and the statement has a bar code for the customer’s account number, you can also use your bar code scanner to perform a customer lookup. Once the customer has been located, the text box below the name displays the customer’s address and phone number, and the text box to the right of the name displays information about their account (including current balance).
When performing a Customer Search, to verify you have the correct customer, check the Account column (which displays the account number) and/or the Balance column (which displays the balance). - In the Payments area:
- In the Type column, select Cash.
- In the Amount column, enter the amount being paid towards the outstanding balance. This may be different than the amount of cash being provided by the customer.
- The Allocation area is available only for customers who have open item accounts. In such cases, each ticket with its corresponding information displays. Enter the dollar amount to be allocated to each ticket in the This Payment column. The Unallocated Balance field shows the outstanding dollar amount still to be paid on this open item account. You can also double-click on an unpaid amount to move the entire amount of that ticket to the This Payment column and add the amount to the payment total.
- In the Tendered Amount field, enter the amount of cash the customer is providing you as payment. If this amount is more than the amount entered in the Amount column in the Payments area, the window displays the amount that will be due back to the customer as change for their payment.
- Click the Batch Mode check box so a check mark appears if you wish to record several customer house account payments. Batch mode keeps the window open so that you do not have to re-access the window to enter another payment. Additionally, once you select Batch Mode, the employee name is retained for further transactions in the batch.
- Click Complete.
- A receipt prints. Click Close to return to the Point of Sale window, or click Reprint Receipt to reprint an additional receipt.
Check Payments
To receive a house account payment by check in Point of Sale:
- On the FTD Mercury Main Menu, click Point of Sale. The Point of Sale window opens.
- Click Receive Payment. Depending on the configuration in Mercury Administration, the Audit Trail window may open. If it does, enter your employee name, password, and optionally any notes about the payment.
- When the Receive Customer Payment on Account window opens, from the Employee field, select your employee name. You can also use a bar code scanner to scan an employee’s bar code ID.
- In the Customer field, enter the customer’s name and press TAB, or click the Search button (…) to perform a Customer Search. If you are working for a customer statement and the statement has a bar code for the customer’s account number, you can also use your bar code scanner to perform a customer lookup. Once the customer has been located, the text box below the name displays the customer’s address and phone number, and the text box to the right of the name displays information about their account (including current balance).
When performing a Customer Search, to verify you have the correct customer, check the Account column (which displays the account number) and/or the Balance column (which displays the balance). - In the Payments area:
- In the Type column, select Check.
- In the Name column, ensure the name is the name on the check.
- In the Amount column, enter the check amount.
- The Allocation area is available only for customers who have open item accounts. In such cases, each ticket with its corresponding information displays. Enter the dollar amount to be allocated to each ticket in the This Payment column. The Unallocated Balance field shows the outstanding dollar amount still to be paid on this open item account. You can also double-click on an unpaid amount to move the entire amount of that ticket to the This Payment column and add the amount to the payment total.
- Click the Batch Mode check box so a check mark appears if you wish to record several customer house account payments. Batch mode keeps the window open so that you do not have to re-access the window to enter another payment. Additionally, once you select Batch Mode, the employee name is retained for further transactions in the batch.
- Click Complete.
- A receipt prints. Click Close to return to the Point of Sale window, or click Reprint Receipt to reprint an additional receipt.
Credit Card Payments
To receive a house account payment via credit card in Point of Sale:
- On the FTD Mercury Main Menu, click Point of Sale. The Point of Sale window opens.
- Click Receive Payment. Depending on the configuration in Mercury Administration, the Audit Trail window may open. If it does, enter your employee name, password, and optionally any notes about the payment.
- When the Receive Customer Payment on Account window opens, from the Employee field, select your employee name. You can also use a bar code scanner to scan an employee’s bar code ID.
- In the Customer field, enter the customer’s name and press TAB, or click the Search button (…) to perform a Customer Search. If you are working for a customer statement and the statement has a bar code for the customer’s account number, you can also use your bar code scanner to perform a customer lookup. Once the customer has been located, the text box below the name displays the customer’s address and phone number.
When performing a Customer Search, to verify you have the correct customer, check the Account column (which displays the account number) and/or the Balance column (which displays the balance). - In the Payments area:
- From the Type column, Credit.
- Swipe the credit card or enter the account or card number in the Account Number field. You can also click in the column to select from previously used credit card numbers.
- In the Exp Date column, enter the expiration date of the card (if it was not populated via the swipe).
- In the Name column, enter the cardholder name (if it was not populated via the swipe).
- In the Amount column, enter the payment amount.
- The Allocation area is available only for customers who have open item accounts. In such cases, each ticket with its corresponding information displays. Enter the dollar amount to be allocated to each ticket in the This Payment column. The Unallocated Balance field shows the outstanding dollar amount still to be paid on this open item account. You can also double-click on an unpaid amount to move the entire amount of that ticket to the This Payment column and add the amount to the payment total.
- Click the Batch Mode check box so a check mark appears if you wish to record several customer house account payments. Batch mode keeps the window open so that you do not have to re-access the window to enter another payment. Additionally, once you select Batch Mode, the employee name is retained for further transactions in the batch.
- Click Complete.
- A receipt prints (if the payment type is a credit card and your system is set up to process credit card transactions, two additional receipts with signature lines also print). Click Close to return to the Point of Sale window, or click Reprint Receipt to reprint an additional receipt.
![]() | After you have received a payment made with a credit card, if you view the payment information again, only the last four digits of the credit card are displayed for security purposes. |
Receiving Payment from the FTD Mercury Main Menu
To receive payment from the FT D Mercury Main Menu:
- On the FTD Mercury Main Menu, click Receive Payment. Depending on the configuration in Mercury Administration, the Audit Trail window may open. If it does, enter your employee name, password, and optionally any notes about the payment.
- When the Receive Customer Payment on Account window opens, from the Employee field, select your employee name. You can also use a bar code scanner to scan an employee’s bar code ID.
- For multi-store environments, select the store at which the payment will be recorded.
- In the Date field, enter the date of the payment.
- If you want to reopen this window after you are finished (for example, if you are recording many payments at once), select the Batch Mode check box. Additionally, once you select Batch Mode, the employee name is retained for further transactions in the batch.
- In the Customer field, enter the customer’s name and press TAB, or click the Search button (…) to perform a Customer Search. If you are working for a customer statement and the statement has a bar code for the customer’s account number, you can also use your bar code scanner to perform a customer lookup. Once the customer has been located, the text box below the name displays the customer’s address and phone number.
When performing a Customer Search, to verify you have the correct customer, check the Account column (which displays the account number) and/or the Balance column (which displays the balance). - In the Payments area, in the Type column, select the payment type. Typically, these are payments received in the mail with a check. However, if you are provided with a credit card number:
- Enter the account or card number in the Account Number field. You can also click in the column to select from previously used credit card numbers.
- In the Exp Date column, enter the expiration date of the card.
- In the Name column, enter the cardholder name.
- In the Amount column, enter the payment amount.
- The Allocation area is available only for customers who have open item accounts. In such cases, each ticket with its corresponding information displays. Enter the dollar amount to be allocated to each ticket in the This Payment column. The Unallocated Balance field shows the outstanding dollar amount still to be paid on this open item account. You can also double-click on an unpaid amount to move the entire amount of that ticket to the This Payment column and add the amount to the payment total.
- Click Complete.
![]() | After you have received a payment made with a credit card, if you view the payment information again, only the last four digits of the credit card are displayed for security purposes. |