Downloading the Route Information to the Phone

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  • As of FTD Mercury X3, FTD no longer supports Wireless Delivery Confirmation.
  • Both FTD Mercury Mobile (X3) and FTD Mercury Mobile Plus (X4) allow drivers to use their mobile Android and iPhone devices to mark orders as Delivered. See Confirming Orders for details.

To use Wireless Delivery Confirmation, you should create and save routes as normal. However you must make sure that you do the following:

  • After you click Complete in the Create Routes window to complete the route, the Complete Route window opens. Make sure Download to Phone is checked in this window (the Download to Phone option is active only for employees that you set up as wireless employees on the Gearworks Web site).
  • Make sure that you select the correct driver name in the Complete Route window because the route information is downloaded to that driver’s phone.

Click Complete to complete the route and to download the information to the driver’s phone. If the driver is logged on to the phone, he or she will receive a message that “You have X new jobs” where X - 1 is the number of orders to be delivered (for example, if the phone states that you have 10 new jobs, you actually have 9 new jobs. The Route Complete option is counted as a job number). The phone will also beep to warn the driver.

Image:NoteIcon.pngThe delivery driver must complete a delivery route before you can download him a second delivery route. The driver must mark that route complete on the phone before he or she can receive another route. If you try to download a route to a driver that has not yet marked a route complete on the phone, you receive the message “Driver <name> has not completed a previous route from the phone. A new route will not appear on the phone until the driver completes the previous route from the phone.”
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