Attaching Incoming Orders

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Incoming wire orders are charged to the wire service house account. Each wire service customer house account helps you track your incoming wire orders for each wire service.


You may also access your incoming orders in Point of Sale.

When an incoming order is attached in Order Entry or Point of Sale (that is, opened from Message Center in Order Entry or Point of Sale), the system applies all fees associated with the recipient’s delivery zone. So that the order amount is correct, the system reduces the product amount by the total fee amount. This eliminates the need to change the product amount manually to match the Mercury order amount.

The reduction of the product amount is calculated upon attaching the order. If adjustments are made after the order is attached (for example, you change the delivery zone and the delivery fee increases), FTD Mercury automatically makes the adjustments. If you add or subtract to the order and change the dollar amount, you receive a warning message when you save the order:

The total of this ticket is not equal to the total sale amount of the Mercury Order. Do you want to save?

You can click Yes to continue with the new dollar amount, or click No to return to the order and make adjustments. For wire reconciliation purposes, it is recommended to maintain the original price of the order by making the appropriate adjustments (for example, if the delivery amount increased, decrease the product amount). You should only change the total amount of the order if you receive a price change message.

If an incoming Mercury message is attached in Order Entry or Point of Sale and the recipient address contained on the Mercury Message cannot be associated with a zone, the default delivery zone is assigned to the order (your default delivery zone is specified in the Store Settings screen in Mercury Administration). The fees associated with the default delivery zone are applied to the order and the product amount is recalculated accordingly.

For Canadian shops, when incoming Mercury orders are received from a U.S. florist, FTD Mercury uses the wire service exchange rate defined in Mercury Administration to convert the funds from U.S. dollars to Canadian dollars in Order Entry. Additionally, any florists listed in the CurrencySettings screen in Mercury Administration who have funds in U.S. dollars will also have their orders converted to Canadian dollars using the wire service exchange rate. If the order is from the United States, the order total will be reduced by the GST tax.

Attaching Incoming Orders from Quebec

If you are a florist in Quebec, and you attach an incoming order where FTD Mercury cannot ascertain the location of the sending florist, you will be asked if the sending florist is in Quebec. The appropriate taxes will be applied based on whether the sending florist is from Quebec.

Processing Incoming Wire Orders

To process an incoming wire order:

  1. On the FTD Mercury Main Menu, click Order Entry. The Order Entry window opens.
  2. In the Florist area, click the Message Center button. Message Center opens.
  3. The Message Center window automatically searches for all messages that require attention. Incoming orders fall into that category. Unattached message appear in green text. In the results list, double-click on an incoming order. The order opens in Order Entry.
  4. Make any changes necessary in Order Entry, such as selecting a different product code, setting the Time Detail for the delivery, or updating the card.
  5. Click Payment. The Payments window opens. By default, the house account for the wire service is already selected for the payment.
  6. Click Complete.
  7. If required, enter your employee name, password, and optionally any notes in the Audit Trail window and click OK.

After you click Complete, invoices print based on your specifications in Mercury Administration. This may include one or more copies of a billing invoice, a worksheet, and/or a trifold card.


Processing incoming Flowers All Hours (FAH) and Florists Online (FOL) is essentially the same as any other incoming order. However, these orders are unique in the following ways:

  • Customer accounts are selected automatically. When you open FAH or FOL orders from Message Center in Order Entry, the customer information is selected automatically instead of setting the customer to the FTD wire service account. If the customer does not exist in your database, you are prompted to add the new customer. The customer’s credit card information from the Web order is populated automatically in the Payments window. If the customer put the order on a house account, the house account is selected.
  • Order information is found in order notes. The FAH/FOL order information is located in Order Notes, which you can see in the Order Entry window. Order Notes are not printed on the invoice and do not get transmitted over the Mercury Network if the order is sent as an outgoing order. The notes begin with “Incoming Flowers All Hours, Flowers Online order, or Web Order Interface Order,” followed by the Mercury number of the order.
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