Maintaining Your Holiday Capacity in FTD Florist Link Administration

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This information applies to FTD Mercury X2 Fall and later versions, Mercury Connect, and Mercury Direct 5.0 and later versions. If you are an FTD Mercury or Mercury Direct customer and not on one of the versions where FTD Florist Link is included, contact the Mercury Technology Assistance Center (MTAC) at 1-800-309-2244 for information on how to upgrade to the current version.

alt=Training Video Available

There is a video available on this topic.

The Maintain Holiday Capacity Page displays your combined and florist-to-florist orders by delivery date for the three major floral holidays (Christmas, Valentine's Day, and Mother's Day). When you are ready to configure your capacity for the major floral holidays, you do so from the Holiday Capacity page in Florist Link Administration. Based on the numbers set on this screen, will not accept orders for your shop once your capacity has been reached for a given day. However, you must suspend your system to stop accepting florist-to-florist orders, and you must contact FOL support to suspend your FOL website so no additional orders are placed for any individual delivery date

To set your capacity for a floral holiday:

  1. In FTD Florist Link, click the Admin button in the upper right corner of the window.
  2. Log in to Florist Link Administration.
  3. Select the Florist Code for which you are maintaining products from the list on the left side of the page.
  4. Click the Holiday Capacity button. The Maintain Holiday Capacity Page opens.
  5. From the Holiday list, select the holiday you are configuring. Your actual wire order numbers from the past two years appear, along with a calendar for this year's wire orders. You can also click the Align Holiday check box to arrange the calendars so that you can see the dates relative to the holidays for the period.
  6. In the Current Year Wire Orders section, enter your total wire order capacity for each day in the holiday period.
  7. Click Update.

Changes made to your capacity are effective immediately.


Wire order is defined as florist-to-florist and orders.

For more information on maintaining your holiday capacity in FTD Florist Link, we have created a short training video:

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