Capturing Delivery Photos

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FTD Mercury Mobile Plus Photo Capture
FTD Mercury Mobile Plus Photo Capture

You can capture delivery photos in FTD Mercury Mobile if an order exists in the Undelivered Orders or Route Stop list. If an order's delivery status is not updated in FTD Mercury Mobile, the associated captured photo will be removed.

If the camera on your phone isn't enabled, and you attempt to take a delivery photo, a message on your phone will appear informing you that you need to allow the camera access to FTD Mercury Mobile. Once you capture a photo, if you receive a message stating that the picture was not saved because there was insufficient storage space, you'll need to create additional space on your phone by deleting unused photos or applications.


Photos from the camera roll will not be available to attach to orders. If you want to attach photos to an order, you must capture the photo via the Mercury Mobile app.

Capturing Delivery Photos via the Undelivered Orders List screen

You can capture delivery pictures on the Undelivered Orders List screen.

To capture delivery photos:

  1. Launch FTD Mercury Mobile.
  2. Navigate to the Undelivered Orders screen.
  3. In the Undelivered Orders list, navigate to the order for which you wish to capture a delivery photo.
  4. Click the camera icon.
  5. Use the phone's camera window to capture an image of the delivery recipient.
  6. To discard the current photo and take a new one, click the Retake button.
  7. To discard the current photo and return to the Undelivered Orders list, click the Back button.
  8. When you're satisfied with the photo you've taken, click the Use Photo Button to save the photo to the order.

Capturing Delivery Photos via the Detail Order screen

You can capture delivery pictures on the Detail Order screen.

To capture delivery photos:

  1. Launch FTD Mercury Mobile.
  2. Navigate to the Detail Order screen.
  3. Navigate to the order for which you wish to capture a delivery photo.
  4. Click the Take a Pic button.
  5. Use the phone's camera window to capture an image of the delivery recipient.
  6. To discard the current photo and take a new one, click the Retake button.
  7. To discard the current photo and return to the Undelivered Orders list, click the Back button.
  8. When you're satisfied with the photo you've taken, click the Use Photo Button to save the photo to the order.

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