Issuing Store Credit with Gift Cards

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FTD gift cards allow you to issue credit for returns as value loaded on an active FTD gift card. FTD gift cards can be redeemed only in the store in which they are activated; therefore, putting refunds on a gift card increases the chance that the customer will return to your store. If a gift card was used for the purchase that you are refunding, you can easily return the value to the gift card. However, if the customer did not use a gift card for the original purchase, you can still place the refund value on a gift card by selling a new gift card for the value of the returned products.


Refunding store credit on a gift card must be done in the Point of Sale window because you will need to activate the gift card in order to place the refund value on it.

To place refund value on an FTD gift card using One-Click refunds:

  1. In the Point of Sale window, click Lookup. The Ticket Search window opens.
  2. Enter search criteria to locate the ticket you are refunding and click Search.
  3. Right-click in the order you are refunding and select Refund Sale. The Point of Sale window will display with the product marked as a refund.
  4. Swipe the gift card being used for the refund. The Description field will show the number of the gift card.
  5. In the Amount field, enter the amount of the refund.
  6. Click Payment. The Refund window will appear.
  7. Click Complete.
  8. If required, enter your employee name, password, and optionally any notes in the Audit Trail window and click OK.

The refund value will be loaded on the gift card.

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