Customers in Multi-Store Environments
From FloristWiki
There are several areas to consider regarding customers in multiple store environments:
Customer Store of Origin
Each customer has a store of origin. The store of origin is the store where the customer was first added to the system. For customers that existed prior to upgrading to FTD Mercury 7.0, the system automatically assigns each customer a store of origin. If a customer has placed orders at more than one of your stores, then that customer’s store of origin is the store where the first sale took place. If a customer does not have any sales, then that customer is associated with the first store that was created on the system.
When you add a new customer to FTD Mercury, you must select a store of origin for the customer. By default, a new customer’s store of origin is the currently logged in store. If you want the customer’s store of origin to be a different store, select that store’s name in the Store of Origin field before clicking Save. You can change this later if you edit the customer information. The customer’s store of origin also displays in the customer statistics area on the Order Entry and Point of Sale windows.
When printing the following reports, you are prompted for the Store of Origin:
- Abbreviated Customer Master List with Balance Report
- Abbreviated Customer Master List with Days Late Report
- Aged Analysis Reports
- Customer Master List
You can select to print data for customers that originated from a particular store, or all customers at all stores.
Order History by Store
You can view order history by store. You can view a customer’s tickets for an individual store, or you can view tickets for all stores.
When you perform a customer search, the Order History tab provides you access to the orders placed by the customer. You can view a customer’s tickets for an individual store, or you can view tickets for all stores. Select the store from the Store Name list at the bottom of the window; by default, All Stores is selected. For each ticket listed, the store where the customer placed the order is listed in the ticket grid.