Preferred Status Window
From FloristWiki
This information applies to FTD Mercury X2 Fall and later versions.
The Preferred Status window is used to select the preferred status for a florist. There are four status choices available:
- Always Use
- Preferred
- Normal
- Do Not Use
NOTE: Always Use replaces the First Choice selection used previously. You can have multiple Always Use florists in a city.
Always Use florists, if any, appear at the top of any florist search results, followed by Preferred florists, Normal florists, and Do Not Use florists; if you have multiple florists in a city marked with the same preferred status, they are ordered based on secondary sorting criteria (see ??? for details).
If you select Do Not Use as the status for a florist, that florist will not display when selecting a florist from an order (based on recipient information), nor will they be available if you autoselect a florist for an order. The only way you can change the status for a florist who is already marked as Do Not Use is to run a general Florist Search for the city where the florist is located.
After you click Save, the Florist Search window will automatically update to reflect your change.