Ticket Search Window

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Ticket Search Window Legend

When results are displayed in the Ticket Search window, the following color coding is used:

Format Description
Red Highlight Tickets where a credit card had an error or was declined.
Yellow Highlight Canceled tickets.
Light Blue Highlight Sales with associated refunds.


In FTD Mercury, when you want to locate a ticket (or order), you use Ticket Search to do so.

Ticket Search is accessible in several different ways:

By default, when you open Ticket Search from the FTD Mercury Main Menu (either from the button or from the Search menu command), the Ticket Search window displays all tickets in your system by sale date for the current date and the previous seven days. If you are in a multi-store environment, this default search uses the same store selection used the last time you performed a Ticket Search.

If you perform a Ticket Search from Order Entry or Point of Sale, it also by default displays all tickets in your system by sale date for the current date and earlier. However, in multi-store environments, it uses the selected store from Order Entry or Point of Sale.

Ticket Search Parameters

You must select at least one parameter to perform a ticket search. If you select more than one parameter, tickets must match all parameters to appear in the results list.

If you search by Order #, all other search parameters are automatically cleared. If you are using the order number, you will either find the ticket or not, so there is no need to search by other parameters in addition to the order number.


You can also scan an invoice while in Ticket Search and the Order # field will automatically be selected and filled in with the numerical value from the bar code.

Parameter Description
Store Select the store to which you want to restrict the search. If you click Lookup from Order Entry or Point of Sale, the store associated with the order is automatically selected. You can also select --All Stores-- to include results from all stores.
Date When using the Date parameter, you must select either Sale Date or Delivery Date. You can then specify the date range for the search.
Customer Name Use this parameter to search by:
  • Customer name or customer sort name. If you enter in the first few letters of a customer’s name or their sort name (from Customer Detail Information), the search will return any tickets with customers who have names or sort names which start with those letters.
  • Customer phone number (you must enter at least 7 digits). Results will include all phone numbers that match the phone number exactly (if you entered in a full phone number) or that begin with the numbers you entered (for partial matches).

If you need to search for the customer by more specific criteria, click the Search button (...) to open the Customer Search window and search for the customer. Once you have located the customer in Customer Search, select the customer from the results list and click Select. You will be returned to Ticket Search with the customer’s name filled into this field.


If you enter text in this field to use as a search criteria, the date parameter will automatically be deselected. If you want to search both by this parameter and by date, you will need to re-enable the date and specify your range.

Recipient Name Use this parameter to search by recipient name. You can also enter the beginning of the information (for example, the first few letters of the name), and Ticket Search will return tickets that match. You can also use a percentage sign (%) as a wildcard search.


If you enter text in this field to use as a search criteria, the date parameter will automatically be deselected. If you want to search both by this parameter and by date, you will need to re-enable the date and specify your range.

Recipient Address Use this parameter to search by the recipient's street address. You can also enter the beginning of the information (for example, the first few letters of a street name), and Ticket Search will return tickets that match. You can also use a percentage sign (%) as a wildcard search.


If you enter text in this field to use as a search criteria, the date parameter will automatically be deselected. If you want to search both by this parameter and by date, you will need to re-enable the date and specify your range.

Recipient City Use this parameter to search by the recipient's city. You can also enter the beginning of the information (for example, the first few letters of the city), and Ticket Search will return tickets that match. You can also use a percentage sign (%) as a wildcard search.


If you enter text in this field to use as a search criteria, the date parameter will automatically be deselected. If you want to search both by this parameter and by date, you will need to re-enable the date and specify your range.

Product Code Use this parameter to search by product code. If you want to search for a product code, click the Search button (...) to open the Product Search window. Once you have located the product, select it from the results list and click Select. You will be returned to Ticket Search with the product code filled into this field. You can also search for a range of codes by entering the first few letters. For example, if you want to search for all tickets that use product codes starting with FTD (FTD AB, FTD BH, FTD-SPA), just enter in FTD. All tickets with product codes that start with FTD will be included in the results.
Zone Use this parameter to search by active delivery zones. Select the zone you want to search from the list.
Order # Use this parameter to search by sale number or ticket number. You can also scan the bar code of a ticket to enter the value.
If you enter the Order # as SaleID/Ticket# (for example, 000342/2), your result will be the individual ticket for the sale. If you only enter the Sale ID (for example, 00342), your results will include all tickets for that sale.


When you search for an order number from a customer that has been purged from FTD Mercury, Ticket Search will still return that ticket.

Type Use this parameter to search by order type. Select at least one of the following order types:
  • Local
  • Pool
  • Wire Out
  • Pickup
  • Carry Out
  • Payment
  • Credit Memo
  • Debit Memo
  • Refunded (one-click refunds)
Order Status Use this parameter to search by order status. Select at least one of the following order statuses:
  • Incomplete
  • Filed
  • Pending
  • Not Printed
  • Complete
  • Cancelled
  • Declined (to search for transactions that contain declined credit card payments, including those where there were multiple payment types)
  • C.O.D.
Employee Use this parameter to search by employee. You also need to specify the function the employee performed (Clerk, Designer, or Driver), which can be different from their employee job function. For example, if someone has a job function of Designer, but enters the sale and selects her name from the Employee list in Order Entry or Point of Sale, that employee would show up under Clerk when searching for tickets using the Employee parameter.
Using a bar code scanner, you can scan an employee ID in this field to populate it and perform a search. However, all other search criteria will be cleared.
Production Status Use this parameter to search by production status. Select at least one of the following:
  • Assigned
  • Not Assigned
  • Designed
  • Not Designed
  • Delivered
  • Not Delivered
  • Picture Not Sent (use this to locate all tickets that have a Design or Recipient picture associated with them but the picture has not been sent)

Results List

Once you have clicked Search, FTD Mercury searches the database for tickets that match your criteria and displays them in the results list.

Column Description
Deliv Date The delivery date for the ticket.
Delivery The delivery status for the ticket.
Sale The sale ID and ticket ID.
Sale Date The date the sale was entered.
Customer The customer who placed the order.
Recipient/Ref The recipient name.
Sale Type The sale type associated with the ticket.
Pay Type The payment type, with OE appended for orders placed in Order Entry and POS appended to orders placed in Point of Sale.
Total The total ticket amount.
Amt Paid The amount allocated to the ticket total.
Design Status The design status, which can be assigned (all products associated with the ticket have been assigned), designed (all products associated with the ticket have been marked designed), or blank (one or more products on the ticket have not been assigned or designed).

Only tickets from active (non-purged) customers are displayed in the results list; the only exception is if you search by order number for a ticket belonging to a purged customer. In that case, the results list will display the ticket despite being for a purged customer.

If there are more than 25 results matching your search parameters, the More button is enabled. When you click it, FTD Mercury loads the next 25 matches (while still displaying the first 25). If there are more than 50 matches, clicking More displays the next 25 (while still displaying the previous 50 matches), and so on.


You can click on the column header in the results list to sort the results by that header.

When results are displayed in the Ticket Search window, the following color coding is used:

Format Description
Red Highlight Tickets where a credit card had an error or was declined.
Yellow Highlight Canceled tickets.
Light Blue Highlight Sales with associated refunds.


At the bottom of the window, there are several buttons in the button ribbon that allow you to perform some specific tasks in Ticket Search.

Button Description
Select (Only displayed when opening Ticket Search from Order Entry or Point of Sale)
When you select the ticket from the results list and then click Select, you are returned to Order Entry or Point of Sale (depending on where you initiated the Ticket Search).
Print List Prints the displayed list of results.
Output Invoice Opens the Output Options window and allows you to print the invoice, form, and/or card for the selected ticket. You can also fax or email the invoice.
More If there are more results than could be displayed in the results list at one time, click More to display additional results. As long as this button is enabled, there are more results to display in the results list.
Escape Closes the Ticket Search window.

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