Key Criteria Panel

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Revision as of 12:21, 23 April 2008 by MercTechUWriter (Talk | contribs)
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If you selected Build your own list in the Select Target List panel, the Key Criteria panel gives you the freedom to specify your own criteria. Select the criteria that you would like to apply to the customer extraction by clicking on the criteria field, then typing in the key criteria.

If you selected Select a predefined list in the Select Target List panel, provide the information that the program is prompting for in the Key Criteria panel, for example the number of top customers or the ZIP code range. You can click the More Criteria button to select more criteria, if you would like your customer list to be more specific.

NOTE: If you have multiple stores, remember to choose the store that contains the customer records that you would like to extract. If you select the main store, the program will not extract duplicate customers if you have customers saved at multiple stores. If you are extracting by Top Customers, the system will extract the top number of customers at the selected stores. However because the system is designed to eliminate duplicate records, the system will eliminate duplicate top customers if the extracted customers are top customers at more than one store (therefore you may select to extract 100 top customers, but because duplicates are eliminated, only 50 will actually be extracted).

Click Next when you are finished with this panel to move to the next panel of the wizard.

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