Design Center Window Areas

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The Design Center window contains the following areas:

Search Parameters Area

Using the Design Center window, you can search for orders for a store and delivery date, by order number, designer, or the design status of the order item (assigned, not assigned, designed, not designed). When you have finished selecting search parameters, click Search (ALT+S) to list orders that meet the search criteria. The Search Parameters area contains the following parameters:

Color Description
Yellow Highlighted Row The message is currently in use by another employee. You cannot access in-use messages.
Red Text There was an error in the message. Typically, the error is listed at the bottom of the Mercury Message (in the bottom left corner of the Message Center).
Green Text Any unattached message (messages waiting to have orders created for them on

your system).

Yellow Highlighted Row The message is currently in use by another employee. You cannot access in-use messages.
Red Text There was an error in the message. Typically, the error is listed at the bottom of the Mercury Message (in the bottom left corner of the Message Center).
Green Text Any unattached message (messages waiting to have orders created for them on

your system).

Red Text There was an error in the message. Typically, the error is listed at the bottom of the Mercury Message (in the bottom left corner of the Message Center).
Green Text Any unattached message (messages waiting to have orders created for them on

your system).

Results List

When the search completes, orders matching your search parameters appear in the results area. Each row in the results list represents a product. Several products may comprise a ticket, and several tickets may comprise a single order, so there may be more than one row in the results area per order. The Sale column contains the order and ticket number so you can see which products and tickets are part of the same order.

NOTE: Cash and carry, wire out, voided, cancelled, and fees are excluded from searches performed in the Design Center window.

You can sort the orders in the results list by clicking on a column heading. For example, to sort by priority, click the Priority column. You can click the column heading again to toggle ascending and descending order. You can also double-click any product in the list to open the order in Order Entry or Point of Sale, depending on where the order was entered.

The results list contains the following information for each product:

Search Totals

At the bottom right of the window, the Search Totals area displays the number of products displayed in the results list, the total price of all orders in the list, and the average value of a product in the list.


The Design Center window allows you to perform the following actions.

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